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As dementia in a person progresses, they may become less able to identify their own health problems or be able to tell others about them, this is why it is important for the people around to look out for signs that the person might be in pain or discomfort.

As soon as possible after a person has been diagnosed with dementia it is important and better for them to take as less prescription and over the counter drugs as possible.  Check with their GP to make sure that the person is not taking any drugs that they don't need and that any doses are at minimal amounts, also inform the GP If you suspect that their medication is adding to their confusion or causing unwanted side effects.  It is also important to ensure that any drugs used to relieve behavioural symptoms are reviewed regularly.  It may be necessary to help the person to take the right amount of medication at the right time as for those who suffer from severe memory problems it is too easy to forget to take medication or over medicate themselves.  A box compartments or individual tablets marked with days or times is useful.  It may even be necessary to place medicines out of reach and out of sight as an extra precaution.

 If you need help or advice you can always talk to your Doctor, Pharmacist or Medical Professional.