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Healthcare Considerations for Individuals with Dementia

1. Sight and Hearing Tests

Importance: Regular appointments for sight and hearing tests are crucial.

Compounding Symptoms: Hearing difficulties and declining sight can exacerbate dementia symptoms.

Hearing Aids: Consider hearing aids as an option for poor hearing.

Medical Conditions: Ensure other conditions related to poor eyesight, like glaucoma and cataracts, are addressed.

Hearing Aid Maintenance: Remind individuals with hearing aids to turn them on and ensure proper functioning.

2. Dental Health

Significance: Maintain good dental health to prevent eating and drinking difficulties.

Prevention of Discomfort: Address teeth, gum, or denture problems promptly to avoid distress.

3. Physical Activity

Benefits: Encourage physical activity for overall health and well-being.

Occupational Therapist: Seek guidance on equipment and exercises to aid mobility.

Chair Comfort: Provide a firm, comfortable chair for prolonged sitting periods.

4. Foot Care

Essential Care: Maintain proper foot care to promote mobility.

Footwear: Ensure correctly fitting shoes to support mobility.

Professional Assistance: Consult a chiropodist for addressing foot problems.

Hygiene: Keep feet clean and dry, and toenails trimmed short.