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If a loved one or someone you care goes missing it is very distressing. If they have special needs or Dementia, this is even more of a concern. At this time, it is hard to relay vital information about them to the Police or other agencies as you are worried about their wellbeing. If you work in a care home, this is just as bad, as you may not be that familiar with the person and there may not be anyone else to help you.

The idea of the Herbert Protocol is to create a single document which you write as soon as they come into your care, this document would include all the information about that person, including a photo, so it can be circulated quickly to the Police, should they go missing.
Complete the form to the best of your ability, you do not have to complete it all but the more information that is available to the police will help them to find them.    There are some sections for professional careers that may not apply if you are completing it for a family member, just fill in what you can.

The form is kept close to hand in the home or care home where it can be easily found. You do not have to send it to the Police until that person goes missing. The form is completed to the best of your ability and updated when necessary. In the care setting, you must store the form under the Data Protection regulations but where it can be accessed easily. It can be held electronically or in paper format and although not compulsory, it is highly recommended by the Police force to have both formats.

If the person goes missing, call 999 and ask the Police and tell them you have the Herbert Protocol form.

Some of the sections on the form are:

  • Personal information 
  • Next of kin details 
  • Doctors details 
  • Medical information  
  • Places of interest they may go 
  • Hobbies and interests 
  • Jobs they had
  • Places the travel or have travelled to  
  • Does the person have GPS tracking on them 
  • Their weekly routine 
  • Other relevant information 
  • Key people in their care or family members 
  • Care home details 
  • Details of the person filling in the form.

Different Police forces and care companies have different versions of the form with their logos and details on, but the form is the same. We have placed one version and some leaflets in the download area of this course.